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Adam Creighton, Computer and Video Gaming (Subscribe)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Microsoft iPod/PSP killer? Bill Gates retires? Xbox game saves on the Xbox 360?

  1. Microsoft is Working on iPod competitor?
  2. Bill Gates Retiring
  3. Use original Xbox games saves on your Xbox 360


1. Microsoft is Working on iPod competitor?

Rumors have been (and will likely keep) circling for over a year about a Microsoft competitor to iTunes, and/or the Apple iPod, and/or the Sony PSP.

Thursday those rumors got a lift when news source Reuters reported:

"Software giant Microsoft Corp. ... is laying the groundwork to compete against Apple Computer Inc.'s ... iPod digital entertainment device and iTunes service, sources familiar with the discussions and plans said on Friday."

Microsoft's in licensing discussions with the music industry -- no surprise, given the recent integration of MTV's URGE music service in the Windows Media Play 11 beta.

No launch date yet, or details on video/gaming capabilities, as of yet -- looks like it's currently just around the iTunes-like services.

2. Bill Gates Retiring

Friday, Microsoft announced Bill Gates will transition out of the day-to-day operations of Microsoft by summer 2008, to "spend more time on his global health and education work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."

After the transition, Gates will still be the company’s chairman, as well as advisor on key development projects.

Also announced was Chief Technical Officer Ray Ozzie's promotion to Chief Software Architect, and he'll be working with Gates on technical architecture and product oversight responsibilities for the transition.

3. Use Xbox games saves on your Xbox 360

Finally! Backwards compatibility is nice (be nicer if they'd get the games I want on the list), but not being able to use game saves was a beast.

Luckily, the Datel folks have provided a way to get your Xbox game saves to your Xbox 360.

Check out the MaxConsole/YouTube video, which walks you through using Datel's Xbox Action Replay and XSATA Adapter products to get game saves from your old Xbox to your new console.

Sweet, I'd like to try this to upload my Black gamesave to my 360 for that last level.

But we're still talking about $90 combined bucks for the functionality, and I don't care for the cheat functionality in the Xbox Action Replay side.

Besides, Microsoft is really being ass-stupid about this. If the game saves from the Xbox work on the Xbox 360, I should be able to log onto Live on my Xbox, upload my game saves for any games on the backwards compatibility list, shut down, log onto Live on my Xbox 360, and download them there.

Or, there should be a product that has USB on one end for the Xbox 360, and the USB-cum-proprietary connector that is on the original Xbox, and I should be able to direct transfer game saves. How tough is this?

C'Mon, Microsoft, get of your keisters. The emulator ninjas are awesome, but I'd really like my game saves transferrable, so when you finally make both X-Men Legends games backwards-compatible, I can play them on the 360 without starting at level 0.

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SOURCES:,,,, IGN, GameInformer, Official XBox Magazine, CNN,, and others.


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