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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

ArtSpark game showcase (Wed.)

Three new indie games are going to be shown off Wednesday night in Austin (Texas; not Indiana, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon, or Canada).

Part of the ArtSpark Festival series of showcases running August 2 through 12, and including theatre, visual art, and video games.

I plan on being there tomorrow night; if I can get past being nasty sick (but at least I'm not contagious anymore).

Here's the skinny for Wednesday night from the Website, which you should check out for all of the week's offerings.
Three new video games will be unveiled on Wednesday, August 8th at ACC’s Highland Business Center, located at 5930 Middle Fiskville Road. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the developers, learn about their visions, and play the games. The reception at 6pm and presentations will begin at 7pm.

Admission is free and open to the public.

Lusorium' s The Palimpsest
The first thing Doctor Faktor remembers is looking up through the leaves of a twisted tree to see the sun reflecting off of a card. As he reaches up to grab the card, a sense of panic rushes through the doctor but he doesn't know why. Doctor Faktor studies the tarot card he has picked up and moves toward the only house in sight in hopes of regaining his memories. In The Palimpsest you are thrust into the role of Doctor Faktor where you explore the house, use the scattered tarot cards to solve puzzles and connect the clues to find the secret to the Doctor's past.

Super Awesome Team's David's Folie
David Fortisante was always an outcast. Whether he was mutilating bugs as a child or sketching images of violence involving his classmates, people would tend to keep their distance. David didn't care. He had the voices. He had his own friends. Ever since he's been at St. Mary's though, there have been less voices. Maybe the medications are working... or maybe they've been chased away by his new friend named Fellow. Let the other kids laugh at his imaginary friend. David's got a plan to sort them out, even if it isn't his own

D.O.D.'s Circadia
A persistent virtual world and point-and-click adventure game inspired by the art, memories, and soul of Jose Miguel Alvarado -- set in a dystopian future and that future's parallel dream world. Users will log on to our virtual world, inhabit an avatar of their very own choosing or design, explore a variety of locations, collaborate artistically with other users, and go on an adventure to Save The World if they like. There will be something for everyone in this virtual universe. Minigames for the action and puzzle lovers, adventures for the story-junkies, epic battles for the Role-Playing-Dork-Heads, driving, flying, boating, hunting, gambling, hitchhiking, Et Cetera Ad Nauseum. Sweet dreams!!

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