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Adam Creighton, Computer and Video Gaming (Subscribe)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Two games I want

There is one thing I want -- comic book games.

Actually, make that two things -- comic book games that don't suck.

Wait, wait; three things -- comic book games that don't suck that I can play right now.

OK, I have to wait for the third thing, but not for long.

And I am guaranteed -- guaranteed -- by people "in the know" that these two games will not suck. I'm holding them to that.

First, there's the "I'm - not - a - movie - tie-in - game" X-Men: Origins Wolverine (same name as the movie). You can watch gushing video from Marvel fanboys Raven Software (some of the better devs out there, and behind a ton of great games, including Marvel fare X-Men: Legends (my original Xbox caught on fire while playing that one); X-Men Legends II, the first MUA, etc.).

Second, because I'm a huge fan of the first Marvel Ultimate Alliance, I am sooo stoked for MUA 2 (pronounced "moo-ah-tu"; maybe not). While the cinematics and cut-scenes don't look as hot as the first MUA, the gameplay, "power fusion" gimick (mixing two super powered beings', er, powers to new, devastating effect), and its setting in the recent Marvel "Civil War" story arc should give me an excuse for countless lost ours, much geek joy, and cause my wife to wonder (yet again) why she continues to sleep with me.

It's all worth it.

Wolverine's bloodletting fertilizes lawns starting May Day, and MUA 2 hits this fall (sigh).


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SOURCES:,,,, IGN, GameInformer, Official XBox Magazine, CNN,, and others.


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