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I'm Playing With (Subscribe)

I like toys. I'm secure in my maturity (or lack thereof). And toys were meant to played with. So, yes, I open rare and exclusive items, and mess with them, "Toy Story" style. Hard-core toy collectors should probably not read this blog.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Li'l Cap'n America 'n Li'l Wolvie

NotDolls Civil Wah! comic
So, these are definitely different.

I have a friend who is always "looking out for Captain America, in all of his forms" for me.

He found me this two-pack of Captain America and Wolverine wooden toys from Learning Curve's line of Play Town toys.

These things are freaking cute. And they're made of wood (well, except the arms and feet). The craftsmanship is top-notch (for example, the feet are screwed, not just glued, into the wooden torso). The deco (paint) is spot-on, too.

Seriously, they're like benign versions of South Park-ish Americana comic book toys. I didn't even know these things existed.

The comic above is a take-off from Marvel's recent "Civil War" story arc. Seriously, the other two-pack in this series is Spide-Man and The Hulk; if they'd just replaced Green Genes with Luke Cage, my head probably would have exploded.

And I mixed the "Mighty 'Vengers" with "X-Babies".

And I'm making fun of Wolverine's short stature.

Below is the storyboard that spawned this week's comic episode:

NotDolls storyboard for comic featuring Play Town toys of Captain America and Woverine

Here's a detail of the "Li'l Cap'n 'Merica":

NotDolls close-up of Play Town toy of Captain America

Here's a detail of the "Li'l Wolvie":

NotDolls close-up of Play Town toy of Woverine

Front of the toys, in-package:

NotDolls close-up of Play Town packaging (front)

Back of the packaging:

NotDolls close-up of Play Town packaging (back)

I thought this was nifty -- no twist-ties. Just these little locking plastic caps that you twist to unlock the figures from their cardboard and plastic bases. Somebody invented these.

NotDolls close-up of Play Town toy fasteners


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