People, by nature, have some interesting things to say.
Here are some of my things. Some about acting. All about living ...
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Went to The Alliance gig tonight ...

Wall-to-wall people there (in the ballpark of 125, by my count) to meet members of "The Alliance", get questions answered, network, etc.
Or maybe they were just trying to be seen by the powers that be in our little film town.
I got to chat with some folks I hadn't seen for a while, which was really nice -- It's all about the relationships, folks.
And, hey, it was at Momo's Club on a Tuesday night -- kind of like meetings used to be. And there was an (I think unadvertised) set by Patrice Pike. She's still so freakin' amazing.
The only real downside was a ridiculously insular, insensitive, inaccurate, and -- unfortunately -- public trivialization of the current hurricane devastation of of Louisiana.
Also ran into a jerk actor I hadn't seen for a long time. Still a jerk ...
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