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Adam Creighton, Voice & Film Actor (Ramblings) (Subscribe)

People, by nature, have some interesting things to say. Here are some of my things. Some about acting. All about living ...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I had a fun voice audition today

I had a fun voice audition today for the animated version of Flatland, the book by Edwin Abbott Abbott.

The book is great literature, brain brushing on the science and mathematics, side, and has a good message about logic, philosophy, challenging the unseen, and pragmatic faith.

The film's directed (and co-written) by Jeffrey Travis, who was there for the audition. I got to ready for Travis a few weeks ago during Will Wallace's one-day workshop.

I've been working the solid little script for a while, and got to read for about 7 fun, incidental little parts. Besides workshopping the script and characters, I've been running around with a "Roll'n'Ruler", which is a nifty little gadget I think I got in the 80s that "replaces protractor, compass, ruler, triangles, T-Square, Ellipse templates, french curves & parallel ruler."

Basically, it's a cool gimmick I've been using to draw little geometric shapes on flat surfaces everywhere as I prepared for the audition. And I took it into the booth. For grounding.

Anyway, fun audition. Like I said, about 7 characters, and about 18 core voices, then variations off of those. Lot of fun, and the guys were really easy going about the whole thing.

Here's hoping ...

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