Adam Creighton, Voice & Film Actor (Ramblings) (Subscribe) |
People, by nature, have some interesting things to say. Here are some of my things. Some about acting. All about living ... Thursday, February 08, 2007TXMPA event and class tonight ...I made a brief appearance at the Texas Motion Picture Alliance event tonight (reminder, go register), then off to class, which Steve generously started an hour late so we could support the TXMPA effort.I was at the event probably a total of 20 minutes, so I made the rounds with only a dozen or so folks, and received some beyond kind comments and condolences (maybe more on the latter in a separate post) in those few moments. Then it was off to class, where I was a couple of weeks out of whack, from missing last class. I don't know that I'll deconstruct or post any of my notes from tonight, other than to say it was what it was -- and I'm happy with that. I knew I was a couple of weeks out of whack. I didn't go into tonight expecting to suck or rock. I expected it be whatever it was going to be. Far from an apathetic attitude, this is about grace from me, for me. I'm learning lately that my success is a combination of practice, grace, and luck. I should write a separate post about that part of work ethic/mindset sometime. Good night. Tired. Auditions tomorrow (hopefully). And maybe a Biz birthday party. G'Night ... Labels: acting, acting process, events, meisner, training Share: | | | TinyUrl | Twitter 0 Comments: |
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