People, by nature, have some interesting things to say.
Here are some of my things. Some about acting. All about living ...
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I had the best of intentions (and still do) to do a post about the result of this decision, and its follow-on impacts.
But the short version is I'm working for Junction Point, making the Epic Mickey game for Nintendo's Wii console.
All of this means that I'm (a) working with Warren Spector, (b) working for Disney (and therefore Marvel), (c) making video games and other creative expressions. Friends and longtime readers* know what a head-exploding good thing all of this is for me.
And yes, I am now back in Austin, Texas, bouncing around from generous couch to generous couch (and sometimes even getting a bed), and bouncing back and forth between Austin and NC as I try to sell my house there, and take care of my family who's so awesomely sacrificing so I can pursue this crazy gig.
With all of this, I'm slow boating the "getting back into the Austin acting scene" (other than voice work), because new job plus crunch isn't conducive to me being out for a few days at a time for film shoots.
But I'm excited to get back into it here, because the acting landscape has changed surprisingly over the last two years, I'm jonesing to be back on a set, I'm burning the candle at both ends, and all this plus the whole not having a pot to piss in has made me ****ing raw and ready to do some daring stuff.
More soon(ish).
* Not the same thing.Labels: inspiration, media intersection, toy job, video games
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Thursday, February 11, 2010
Aaron Hallaway's new commercial
I like Aaron Hallaway. Talented guy (actor / writer / independent creative). Good friend.
He has a new commercial (he's about 43 seconds in) -- VeriSign's "Company Information" video:
Labels: inspiration, other actors
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